Finance and Administration Committee
21st Meeting
London, United Kingdom
Last updated 4/11/2016
- FA-141/16: Report of the Finance and Administration Committee meeting held on 19 September 2016
- FA-140/16: Salary scales and basis for contributions to the Provident Fund for staff in the General Service Category
- FA-138/16: Communication from the Republic of Yemen
- FA-137/16: Auditors
- FA-136/16: Premises update
- FA-135/16 Rev.
1: Financial situation at 31 July 2016
- FA-134/16: Report of the Finance and Administration Committee intersessional meeting held on 7 July 2016
- FA-133/16: Draft Staff Regulations and Staff Rules
- FA-130/16 Rev. 2: Draft Agenda
20th Meeting (Intersessional)
London, United Kingdom
Last updated 05/07/16
- FA-132/16: Post of the Head of Finance and Administration
- FA-131/16: Premises update
- FA-129/16: Draft Agenda
19th Meeting
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- FA-128/18: Report of the Finance and Administration Committee meetings held on 9, 10 and 11 March 2016
- FA-127/16: Communication from Sierra Leone
- FA-126/16: Draft Terms of Reference for the establishment of partnerships between the ICO and other entities
- FA-125/16: Review of Staff Regulations and Staff Rules
- FA-124/16: Salary scale for staff in the Professional and higher categories
- FA-123/16: Salary scales and basis for contributions to the Provident Fund for staff in the General Service category
- FA-122/16: Premises - lease expiry in March 2017
- FA-121/16: Outstanding contributions
- FA-120/16: Cost analysis summary
- FA-119/16: Draft Administrative Budget for the financial year 2016/17
- FA-118/16: Accounts of the Promotion Fund of the Organization for the financial year 2014/15
- FA-117/16: Special Fund Accounts of the Organization for the financial year 2014/15 and Report of the Auditors
- FA-116/16: Administrative Accounts of the Organization for the financial year 2014/15 and Report of the Auditors
- FA-115/16: Finantial situation at 31 January 2016
- FA-114/15 Rev. 1: Draft Agenda