First Consultative Forum on Coffee Sector Finance

The first Consultative Forum on Coffee Sector Finance took place on 27 September 2011. The objective of this Forum was to discuss 'what mechanisms, tools or strategies exist, or could be developed or improved, to help small- and medium-sized producers manage the risk of green coffee price volatility' and 'what are the challenges for each of the mechanisms, and how can those challenges be overcome to make the tools/strategies more accessible and useful for small- and medium-sized producers?'.


Mick Wheeler, Chairman and Oscar Schaps Edgar Cordero David Browning Professor Christopher Gilbert

Oscar Schaps
Global Soft Commodities, INTL Hencorp Futures LLC
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Edgar Cordero
Colombian Coffee Federation, Inc.
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David Browning

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Pr. Christopher Gilbert
Universitá Degli Studi di Trento, Italy
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