Technical Presentations 2008/09
September 2009
Néstor Osorio - International Coffee Organization
Outlook for the world coffee market
Joanna Scott - Strategic Communications Consultant to ISIC
Positively Coffee/ HCP-CEP programmes
Judy Ganes Chase - International Womens' Coffee Alliance (IWCA)
IWCA's role at the 2010 World Coffee Conference
Representative of the All Japan Coffee Association
A basic survey for monitoring trends in the demand for coffee
Carlos Brando, P&A International Marketing
CoffeeClub Network - Connecting the coffee world
Christian Rasch - Guatemala Coffee Association
2010 World Coffee Conference
Salesio Mbogo, Nixon Bugo, Bahaa Al-Asad - UNOPS
Pilot short and medium term finance to small scale coffee farmers in Kenya
Pablo Dubois, Gerrit van de Klashort
Integrated management of coffee berry borer
Juan A. Vera - COFENAC
Reconversion of small coffee farms into self-sustainable agricultural family units in Ecuador
March 2009
Mr Néstor Osorio, Executive Director, International Coffee Organization
Evolution of the world coffee market
Joanna Scott, Strategic Communications Consultant to ISIC
Positively Coffee/ HCP-CEP programmes
Surendra Kotecha (independent quality and marketing consultant, and grader for LIFFE since 1984)
New Robusta coffee grading system at LIFFE-NYSE
Dr Philippe Lashermes, Chair of the ICGN Steering Committee and Dr Marcela Yepes, Executive Secretary, ICGN
International Coffee Genome Network
Mr. Carlos Brando, P&A International Marketing
- CoffeeClub Network: Update - Future
- ICO guide: Update
Mrs. Camila Reyes del Toro,
Government Advisor on Coffee Matters
Coffee plantation renewal programs:
Key instruments for the Colombian coffee
Ms. Susan Njoroge, UNOPS
Pilot short and medium term finance to small-scale coffee farmers in Kenya