Technical Presentations 2009/10

 March 2010 

Néstor Osorio, International Coffee Organization
Outlook for the World Coffee Market

Carlos Brando, P&A International Marketing
- The future of CoffeeClub Network
- Consumption overview: Producing countries

 September 2010 


Henri Dunlop, ICE
Basis chart presentation

Peter Blogg, LIFFE
Robusta coffee futures overview

Marcela Yepes, ICGN
International Coffee Genome Network

Ted Lingle, Coffee Quality Institute
Adding value to Robusta coffee

Ric Rhinehart, SCAA
Introduction to the Global Coffee Quality Research Initiative (GCQRI)

Roel Vaessen, ISIC
Update on Positively Coffee and HCPCEP


Néstor Osorio, International Coffee Organization
Outlook for the World Coffee Market

Ricardo Villanueva, Anacafé
Report of the World Coffee Conference 2010

Dr Joseph Kimenia, Coffee Research Station, Kenya
Batian Coffee

Susan Njoroge and Salesio Mbogo, UNOPS
Pilot short and medium-term finance to small-scale coffee farmers in Kenya

Dr Koffi Ngoran, CTA, Côte d'Ivoire
Accès au financement pour le developpement des cultures de diversification
dans les zones de production de café au Burundi et Côte d'Ivoire