Documents - Rules and Guidelines
All Languages | English | Español | Français | PortuguêsEnglish Documents
- WP-Council 180/08
Draft Rules on Statistics Statistical Reports [English]
- WP-Council 179/08 Rev. 2
Draft Rules on Statistics Certificates of Origin [English]
- WP-Council 172/08 Rev. 2
Proposals for revisions to the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules of the International Coffee Organization [English]
- WP-Council 165/08 Rev. 2
Proposals for revisions to the Rules of the International Coffee Organization [English]
- WP-Board 1057/08
Proposed change to Regulation 9.4 of the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules of the Organization [English]
- ICC-102-10
Rules on Statistics Statistical reports [English]
- ICC-102-9
Rules on Statistics Certificates of Origin [English]
- ICC-102-8
Financial Rules and Financial Regulations of the International Coffee Organization [English]
- ICC-102-7
Rules of the International Coffee Organization [English]
- EB-3776/01 Rev. 1 Add. 4
Share of markets and their weightings in the calculation of group and composite prices from 1 October 2007 [English]
- EB-3854/03
Guidelines for the monitoring by the Organization of coffee projects financed by the Common Fund for Commodities [English]
- EB-3776/01 Rev. 1 Add. 1
Share of markets and their weightings in the calculation of group and composite prices from 1 October 2003 [English]
- ED-1887/03
Share of markets and their weightings in the calculation of group and ICO composite indicator prices from 1 October 2003 [English]
- EB-3830/02
Rules on Statistics - Statistical Reports [English]
- EB-3573/96 Rev. 4
Basic information on the submission of applications to the Common Fund for Commodities for financial support for activities related to coffee [English]
- PC-02/02
Rules of procedure for the Promotion Committee [English]
- EB-3820/03
Rules of the International Coffee Organization [English]
- EB-3776/01 Rev. 1
Rules on Statistics - Indicator prices [English]
- EB-3775/01
Rules on Statistics - Certificates of Origin [English]