Technical Presentations 2007/08
Mr. Néstor Osorio, International Coffee Organization
Coffee market situation 2007/2008
Mr. Peter Baker, CABI
Integrated management of Coffee Berry Borer
Mr. Carlos Brando, P&A International Marketing
- Coffee Club network
- Programs to promote coffee consumption: an
Mr. Jason Potts, Coordinator, Sustainable Commodity initiative
The Committee on Sustainability Assessment (COSA)
Mr. Michael Opitz, EDE Consulting
GAP analysis
MAY 2008 |
Mr. Carlos Brando, P&A International Marketing
ICO Coffee promotion network
Mr. Nathan Herszkowicz, Cafés do Brasil,
Mr. Lucas Tadeu Ferreira, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply,
Technical Standards for Roast and Ground Coffee
Regulamento Técnico de Identidade e Qualidade
do Café Torrado e Moído
Dr. Koffi Ngoran, CNRA
Robusta quality and marketing improvement by optimal
use of coffee terroirs
Mr. Salesio Mbogo, Mr. Nixon Bugo, Ms. Susan Njoroge, UNOPS
Coffee market development and trade promotion in
Eastern and Southern Africa
Pilot short- and medium-term finance to small-scale
coffee farmers in Kenya
Fernando E. Vega, Sustainable Perennial Crops Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland,
Coffee Research at the United States Department of Agriculture
Mr. Graciano Cruz Lanero, Ministry for Agriculture, Panama
Development of specialty coffee from Gnöbe Buglé
JANUARY 2008 |
Mr. Carlos Brando, P&A International Marketing
ICO Coffee promotion network