Technical presentations 2014
September 2014
International Coffee Council
- Giulio Alaimo - Global Coffee Forum & International Coffee Day
- Belisario Dominguez Mendez, Mexico - Video: 'Que Sea de Mexico' Promotional Campaign
- Mauricio Galindo, ICO - Coffee Market Outlook
- Giorgio Graziosi - Update on the Sequencing of DNA of Coffea Arabica
- Elexis Legrá Calderín - Second Congress of Coffee & Cocoa 2015
- Denis Seudieu, ICO - Factors to Achieve a Balanced Market
coffee & climate (c&c) Workshop
- P. Baker, E. Briggs, and L. Pearson, coffee & cliamte, Imperial College London, CABI - Acute Climate Challenges in the Coffee Sector
- Michael Opitz, coffee & climate - The Initiative for Coffee & Climate
4th Consultative Forum on Coffee Sector Finance
- Videos: Click here to watch the webcast>>
- Parvindar Singh, Common Fund for Commodities - Common Fund for Commodities, Partner in Coffee Development
- Mona Sur, The World Bank - The World Bank's Involvement in Coffee
- Panos Varangis, International Finance Corporation - International Finance Corporation's Involvement in Coffee
- Ricardo Vargas del Valle, The Inter-American Development Bank - The Inter-American Development Bank and Agriculture in LAC: Financing Opportunities for Coffee Sector Development
Private Sector Consultative Board
- Tijmen de Vries, European Coffee Federation - Update EFSA Opinion on Caffeine & Acrylamide
- Kimberly Eason, Coffee Quality Institute - Leveraging Capabilities to Meet Supply Chain Risks
- Bill Murray, National Coffee Association USA - U.S. Snapshot
- Tim Schilling, World Coffee Research - The Rust Crisis Within the Rust Crisis
Projects Committee
- Abdullah Bagersh, African Fine Coffees Association - Building Capacity in Coffee Certification and Verification for Specialty Coffee Farmers in AFCA Countries
- Denis Seudieu, ICO - Coffee development projects: Addressing New Challenges
Promotion and Market Development Committee
- Belisario Dominguez Mendez, Mexico - Mexico: Promotion of Coffee Culture
- Vicente Partida III, ICO - ICO Communications Update
Statistics Committee
- Euan Mann, CCS Coffee - ICO Statistics Roundtable
March 2014
International Coffee Council
- Peter Baker, CABI - Coffee & Climate: 2014 Minas Gerais Drought
Private Sector Consultative Board
- Mauricio Galindo, ICO - Outlook for the world coffee market + Asia markets
- Jawaid Akhtar, Coffee Board of India - Coffee Leaf Rust: India's Experience
- Tijmen de Vries, European Coffee Federation - Caffeeine Health Claims
- Sinouk Sisombat, Lao Coffee Association - Lao Coffee Sector
- Eun-Woo Yoon, EXPORUM - Korea Coffee Market Insight & Trend
Projects Committee
- Parvindar Singh, Common Fund for Commodities - The CFC and the ICO: Partners in Coffee Development
- Denis Seudieu, ICO - Coffee Development Projects: Addressing New Challenges
Promotion and Market development Committee
- Andrea Illy, Illycaffè - Expo Milano 2015 A Quick Overview
- Mauricio Galindo, ICO - PMDC Communications Objectives
Statistics Committee
- Steve Wateridge, Tropical Research Services - Market Volatility
- Euan Mann, CCS Coffee - Calculating Coffee Consumption
Core Group for the Consultative Forum
- Robert Nelson, National Coffee Association USA - Third Consultative Forum: Access to Credit and Risk Management